Business Etiquette Virtual Group Training

Engage in live and interactive online group training with Minju Witte via Zoom with our popular 1-hour group session with Q&A at the end.

Our programs are tailored to each client and group, drawing from our extensive menu of training topics. Minju will work with you to customize a program that combines essential etiquette elements with the specific needs of your audience.

Empower Etiquette Business Etiquette courses teach clients:

  • Essential manners expected in various contexts

  • Effective interaction strategies for unfamiliar situations

  • Confidence to handle any scenario with ease

  • Maximizing every interaction to enhance relationships

Choose from these topics to customize your program:

  • What is Etiquette? and Why Business Etiquette Matters

  • The Five-step Method for Solving Problems

  • Difficult Situations

  • Civility in the Workplace

  • Introductions

  • Communication Etiquette

  • Business Social Situations and Networking

  • Social Media Etiquette

  • Professional Image and Attire

  • Intercultural Etiquette

  • Meeting Etiquette

  • Workplace Etiquette

  • Dining Etiquette

  • The 24/7 Professional

Please note that all Empower Etiquette courses, webinars, private coachings, and special events are non-refundable. Live courses do not have a replay option. The price indicated is per student. Recording, replicating, or distributing Empower Etiquette's content is strictly prohibited. Thank you.